ICA-Africa Region
Programme of events of interest to co-operators in Africa
The ICA Regional Office for Africa is proud to welcome the ICA Global Conference and General Assembly to the Region. This conference is an opportunity for African co-operators to meet with others from around the world and share experiences. It is also an opportunity as Africans for us to position our challenges on a global stage.
To capitalize on this great opportunity the ICA-Africa office has worked with a range of stakeholders to bring together an array of different activities from 31 October to 7th November as outlined below including the official launch of the African Co-operative Development Strategy.
As you plan to do your booking for the Cape Town meeting, please have all these events in mind.
Further information on the ICA-Africa programme from:
Dr Sifa Chiyoge
Regional Director – ICA Africa
Email: ica@icaafrica.coop
Calendar of Events - ICA Africa